A classic, elegant waterfront wedding with gold bridesmaid dresses on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

Welcome Friends!

we’re so glad you’re here!

We are photographers & best friends that shoot classic, luxurious weddings in Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, and all over Maryland. You will find recent work, wedding planning tips, and personal reflections from our life in this space. Thanks for stopping by!

Behind the Scenes 2016 // Personal Post

Behind the scenes posts are my favorite! It’s so fun to see creatives in action! I will admit.. I’m not the best at taking them.. I get so in the zone on wedding day I forget about everything else! Fortunately, I have some great seconds that snap some and I managed to snap a couple myself! As you will see.. we have a lot of fun and don’t take ourselves to seriously.. but we are serious about doing our best to love and serve our clients and create beautiful art to tell these wedding day stories. Enjoy our #knpbehindthescenes from 2016!

 It was so nice having Cam's height this year! I soo need to whip out the step stool more often! Also, he was so great at taking random objects from people and holding drinks during portraits too!
It was so nice having Cam’s height this year! I soo need to whip out the step stool more often! Also, he was so great at taking random objects from people and holding drinks during portraits too!
 Our favorite pre and after wedding treat!
Our favorite pre and after wedding treat!
 We were trying to show Chris the dirt dancing lift hoping he would be up for the challenge ;) I also decided I needed to be down stream to get the angle I wanted, which involved climbing over rocks in the stream!
We were trying to show Chris the dirt dancing lift hoping he would be up for the challenge 😉 I also decided I needed to be down stream to get the angle I wanted, which involved climbing over rocks in the stream!

Caught my seconds doing what they do best.. Cam chatting with wedding guests and Kelsey heading straight for the cake table! 😀

 Love this girl so much!
Love this girl so much!
 My favorite test light subject.. He was waving to the pretend crowd of onlookers ;)
My favorite test light subject.. He was waving to the pretend crowd of onlookers 😉
 Hubby staying extra time to get me uploaded by the time the reception is over.. so sweet!
Hubby staying extra time to get me uploaded by the time the reception is over.. so sweet!

The cutest office assistant I ever did see!


“Staff meetings” are never boring around these parts!

That time I was a bridesmaid and a second shooter! I wish I could shoot in my pj’s every wedding! 😉

Our summer styled shoot was one of my favorite days this whole year! It was a bright day in a dark time. Also it was so fun to have my bestie help us for the day! Love you Dee Dee!

Rain on your wedding day?! No problem, we’ve got ya covered! We just may be a little delusional at the end of the day so watch out!

Riding with the bride and bridesmaids to the venue is always a special treat.. these girls can bust out some serious tunes!

 That time we ordered a ton of clear umbrellas for a bride and we came home from the wedding to them waiting on the doorstep (eyeroll). Thankfully my guy tracked some down before ceremony while I was shooting the girls! There is no better feeling then riding up the elevator on our way to our home and our bed knowing you worked your hardest to make beautiful art to tell our couples wedding day stories!
That time we ordered a ton of clear umbrellas for a bride and we came home from the wedding to them waiting on the doorstep (eyeroll). Thankfully my guy tracked some down before ceremony while I was shooting the girls! There is no better feeling then riding up the elevator on our way to our home and our bed knowing you worked your hardest to make beautiful art to tell our couples wedding day stories!

Where’ssss Kiraaa?!

 That time a bride's earring broke during detail shots and we hot glued it back together! It didn't make it but Dee Dee came to the rescue and brought us some more earrings! Stuff always comes up but our brides have the BEST attitudes and we always do our BEST to make the most of the situation!
That time a bride’s earring broke during detail shots and we hot glued it back together! It didn’t make it but Dee Dee came to the rescue and brought us some more earrings! Stuff always comes up but our brides have the BEST attitudes and we always do our BEST to make the most of the situation!

And last but not least.. standing in the future KNP office! We are so so so so thankful for this past year and our bride and groom’s who trusted us to document their wedding days! It was a big year for us! We are so eager to continue to love and serve our clients, while growing in our craft, and making our business even better! Happy holidays and can’t wait for 2017! 😀

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Allie & Jackson

Silver Swan Bayside