A classic, elegant waterfront wedding with gold bridesmaid dresses on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

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We are photographers & best friends that shoot classic, luxurious weddings in Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, and all over Maryland. You will find recent work, wedding planning tips, and personal reflections from our life in this space. Thanks for stopping by!

The Heartbeat Behind the Business // Personal Post

I was in Annapolis on Monday for a client meeting and had some extra time before meeting my mom for lunch so I decided to stop by the cemetery where my dad is buried. I’ve got this thing for reading people’s gravestones. I mean a whole lifetime.. summarized on one stone. The people, the memories, the love shared.. and it culminates in a tomb and a tombstone. Thankfully, the soul has a place to go and that place is paradise, but being at the cemetery definitely makes you think.. a lot. You wouldn’t think it would be a very inspirational place to write, but surprisingly enough I was overcome with inspiration. 

The heartbeat of my business.. is to love and care for God’s people.. to be an extension of exactly what He would do if he were here today. And if I can make beautiful art in the process.. we’ll shoot I call that a job well done. Because he’s made me to be wonderful, he’s made me unique. There is not another Kira Nicole Rogers in the whole wide world and that’s on purpose. So here I am just trying to tap into the person he made me and to share that with the world. I loved my client meeting on Monday. Not because I said everything perfectly or we planned the perfect wedding day from a photography standpoint. There will inevitably be snags in the plan— behind schedule timelines, kids who don’t want to smile, dirt on the dress, and the like. But that’s not what matters. What matters is my bride and I did our best to set us up for a successful wedding day by being prepared and planning, but mainly we just spent time together. We talked about the crazy price and planning process of planning a wedding. We talked about the struggles of raising kids. Jobs and life and you get the idea. And we spent more time enjoying each others company then we did fretting about wedding day details. Because at the end of the day.. your wedding will come and go and will be fun and crazy and a whirlwind, and you will have beautiful images to remember it by. But it will be one day. And people and relationships.. well that’s a lifetime. A short lifetime. Many cut shorter than they should be. But no matter how special the words or fancy the tombstone, it will be one among many in the yard. But we have the chance to leave a legacy on people’s hearts that will live long after we’re gone. 

Gosh it’s my deepest prayer.. that through this business.. you would know.. like really know in your heart that you are loved and cared for and you remember that when you look at your images of one of your favorite days. I pray that I would leave a tiny imprint of love of your heart through spending time with you planning your wedding and on your wedding day. Because really we all just want to be loved and listened to. And that’s what I’m here to do.

<3 Kira Nicole  

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