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We are photographers & best friends that shoot classic, luxurious weddings in Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, and all over Maryland. You will find recent work, wedding planning tips, and personal reflections from our life in this space. Thanks for stopping by!

What I Wish I Would Have Known // Newly Engaged series

I’ve got 3 more tips for all you engaged folk out there! I have really loved this series and have gotten some positive feedback from it which means it’s helping and that makes me happy! My favorite thing about living life with community is sharing life’s experiences. Why go through life alone when you can share and learn from others?! I have definitely been tapping into multiple resources (mainly people) for words of wisdom as I am about to embark on a new journey of parenthood. Maybe one day I’ll get to do a new parent series 😉 But back to weddings! My next tip is this:

Tip #6: Make your bridal party and guests comfortable

I hear this a lot in the wedding industry: “It’s your day, it’s all about you! Do whatever you want!” I even say it to my brides as words of comfort on their wedding day! But here’s the truth of the matter. The more you work to make your bridal party and your guests feel comfortable not only on wedding day, but throughout the entire wedding planning process, the more they are genuinely going to want to do everything in their power to make your dreams come true. We’ve all been in situations where someone is just barking orders, showing little gratitude or care for others around them. Most of the time it’s hard to sacrifice your resources to serve them and be glad doing it. Faith inspires me to love and serve out of the desire to please my Father, regardless of how I’m been treated or how anyone is acting, but it’s still hard! And if I we have the power to help others love and serve us well wouldn’t we want to make the most of that opportunity?!

So here is my suggestion: Think about others when making wedding decisions! Think about all the costs involved with the different elements of your wedding day and events leading up; think about how much time you are requiring people to give up; think about how long your guests are going to go without eating food; or what kind of music and food they may want. Just give a thought to everyone involved in your day. Wedding days take a TEAM and when you support your team they will be glad to support you in return. And a little bonus tip– be gracious! Thank you’s go a longgg way.

I think there is a perfect balance of having the wedding day of your dreams, while still considering the feelings of others, and I hope you and your groom (or vise versa for any grooms reading my blog!) can work together to make that happen.

What are some ways you worked to accommodate your bridal party and guests throughout your wedding season? Comment below!

 Natalie Franke Photography
Natalie Franke Photography

Happy Hump Day!

<3 Kira Nicole 


  • I let my bridesmaids collaborate and pick their own dresses. That way they had a say in the style as well as picking something they can all afford. There were only three so it was easy for them to work together to find something they all liked. I still had ultimate veto power, but I didn’t have to use it 🙂

  • Such a great tip Emme! I think it’s super thoughtful to let your girls wear what they feel comfortable in! Thanks for the comment 🙂

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