A classic, elegant waterfront wedding with gold bridesmaid dresses on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

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we’re so glad you’re here!

We are photographers & best friends that shoot classic, luxurious weddings in Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, and all over Maryland. You will find recent work, wedding planning tips, and personal reflections from our life in this space. Thanks for stopping by!

Kira’s Gender Reveal // Personal Post

So most of you saw on social media that the Hubbs I are expecting a little girl in September 🙂 I thought it would be fun to share the images from our gender reveal this past weekend. I CANNOT take credit for this shindig, as my mother planned and executed the whole event! She is a pro! And my friend Kait took most of these images! I am so thankful for the support we’ve received from family and friends throughout the past couple of months! They are the best. Enjoy! 🙂

 Clearly party themed nails were a must!
Clearly party themed nails were a must!
 Cam and I went to our appointment last Monday and the tech wrote a card and stuck in the envelope for the party! My brother didn't get to look until an hour before the reveal :)
Cam and I went to our appointment last Monday and the tech wrote a card and stuck in the envelope for the party! My brother didn’t get to look until an hour before the reveal 🙂
 The mastermind in action!
The mastermind in action!
 Yes she died the eggs pink and blue-- don't ask me how!
Yes she died the eggs pink and blue– don’t ask me how!

 Which will it be?!
Which will it be?!
 We had everyone suggest names and Cam and I picked our favorites! It was fun to read through all the suggestions.. We got a Kira Jr. and a Cam Jr. ;)
We had everyone suggest names and Cam and I picked our favorites! It was fun to read through all the suggestions.. We got a Kira Jr. and a Cam Jr. 😉
 Patrick and KA setting up for the reveal! 
Patrick and KA setting up for the reveal! 
 Of course after they got all the balloons set up a big gust of wind came and blew them away! More suspense! 
Of course after they got all the balloons set up a big gust of wind came and blew them away! More suspense! 
 There were two yellow balloons.. one flew away and my brother shot the other one. Then the pink and blue balloons were left..
There were two yellow balloons.. one flew away and my brother shot the other one. Then the pink and blue balloons were left..

 My brother shot the balloon that it was NOT so the remaining balloon would be the sex. His first shot missed the blue balloon by inch so at this point I was thinking GIRL!
My brother shot the balloon that it was NOT so the remaining balloon would be the sex. His first shot missed the blue balloon by inch so at this point I was thinking GIRL!
 Then he shot a bow next to the pink balloon to throw us off!
Then he shot a bow next to the pink balloon to throw us off!
 Finally popped the blue balloon-- girl it is!
Finally popped the blue balloon– girl it is!
 It was super windy and sunny on Saturday but we will still able to get some cute shots outside my mom's house! Thanks Kait!
It was super windy and sunny on Saturday but we will still able to get some cute shots outside my mom’s house! Thanks Kait!
 We're in trouble! :D
We’re in trouble! 😀

<3 Kira Nicole 

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Silver Swan Bayside