A classic, elegant waterfront wedding with gold bridesmaid dresses on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

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we’re so glad you’re here!

We are photographers & best friends that shoot classic, luxurious weddings in Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, and all over Maryland. You will find recent work, wedding planning tips, and personal reflections from our life in this space. Thanks for stopping by!

category: Baby Ramblings

Callie’s Birth Story // Personal Post

The timing of Callie’s birth couldn’t have been more perfect. On Friday night, August 28th, I started having contractions while sitting on the couch watching t.v. with the hubby. They were nothing to crazy,

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category: Baby Ramblings

Callie’s Birth Story // Personal Post

The timing of Callie’s birth couldn’t have been more perfect. On Friday night, August 28th, I started having contractions while sitting on the couch watching t.v. with the hubby. They were nothing to crazy,

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