A classic, elegant waterfront wedding with gold bridesmaid dresses on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

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We are photographers & best friends that shoot classic, luxurious weddings in Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, and all over Maryland. You will find recent work, wedding planning tips, and personal reflections from our life in this space. Thanks for stopping by!

We Don’t Always Get What We Want // Personal Post

Well! A year ago today my husband played a April Fools joke on the social media world and said that we were getting the cutest little bulldog. And then we actually tried. And then we didn’t get him. Jokes on us! Because somebody might be encouraged by this I decided to post it again!

In my journal, April 7th, 2014:

“We don’t get Teddy. I am sad. It’s my fault for getting attached before I knew he was mine. But I did. Obviously God didn’t have Teddy as a part of our plan. Buy why? The only practical thing I can think of is that He doesn’t want the extra responsibility for us. While caring for a pup would be a sweet and loving thing to do, it won’t advance the Kingdom. I wish dogs could accept Christ as their savior. Then maybe God would have entrusted Teddy to my care. But God has big plans for our lives. I’ve asked for big things to happened in our lives. I pray desperately to be where God is. Those are the moments that flood my heart with joy and contentment. God says those who ask shall receive. And I continue to ask. If I want to do big things for the Kingdom I’m going to have to accept this life is not my own and it be filled with sacrifice. Not always getting what I want– or what I think I want anyway. If I want to be a big part of what the Lord is doing in my community then I need to trust and stay focused. I need to keep my eyes and my heart on things above. That is what I will do. Teddy– I’m sorry that you weren’t a part if the plan for our lives. I would have loved to raise and love you with my whole heart. I know that God see’s you like He see’s me and He will provide you with a loving home! God is the ultimate provider. He will never turn His back on us. Lord help me to daily align my heart to your and continue the race you’ve marked before me. Amen.”

There were big ugly tears people. While it may seem silly to be so upset about a dog, I think this message speaks truth to anything your heart may be longing for. “I don’t get blank.” Sometimes the answer is no. And that’s okay. Because God is GOOD and He wants to PROSPER us, not harm us. He knows what’s best, and more importantly, He knows what needs to happen for us to grow and affect the people in our lives. The only thing we can allow our hearts to long for is for the days where there will be no more tears, and no more pain, and we will spend all of our days dancing and singing in presence of our sovereign Lord. Hallelujah!

 Thankfully, Teddy was adopted by another family– Praise God!

P.S. Looking back at this post a year later I can totally see why we didn’t get Teddy. We’re making room for a new addition in September and I don’t think he wanted us to be too overwhelmed! SO neat. Thanks God.

Happy Hump Day!

<3 Kira Nicole

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