A classic, elegant waterfront wedding with gold bridesmaid dresses on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

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We are photographers & best friends that shoot classic, luxurious weddings in Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, and all over Maryland. You will find recent work, wedding planning tips, and personal reflections from our life in this space. Thanks for stopping by!

3 Year Anniversary // Personal

I’ve been married to my best friend for 3 years. Holy moly. Over the weekend Cam and I took a trip to Pigeon Forge, TN to relax and enjoy some QT time together. It’s funny how our anni trip always falls during a time of year where we both feel like we are in dire need of a break! This year was no different and I am so thankful for the time we spent together and how refreshed we are going back into the daily grind! We didn’t do a whole lot on our trip.. mostly ate lots of delicious food, spent time in the word, laid by the pool, and spent evenings at The Island, rocking and watching all the beautiful lights. Oh and we played about 58 holes of putt-putt since who doesn’t love a good game of putt-putt and that’s about as active as this preggo wanted to be! Here are some images (most iPhone so no judging) from our trip! 🙂

I ain’t no expert on marriage after 3 years, but one thing I would say if I were asked to describe marriage in one word it would be sacrifice. Which makes sense in light of Christ and how he describes the marriage relationship as the closest representation between himself and the church. And Jesus’ life could be best described as a sacrifice. The beautiful thing about marriage is when you lay yourself down for one another, you are forced to remove the blinders of selfishness and find such a fulfillment in caring and loving for another person. And when both people are sacrificing for one another, it’s amazing how your needs still get met because someone else is thinking about you! It’s just a neat way to grow your faith and enjoy an intimate relationship with another person.

There are many things I appreciate about my marriage with Cam, but a few things stick out this year.  Here’s a snippet from my anni card to him this year: “I am thankful for the way you continue to lead in our relationship and always inspire me to better myself as a person. I am thankful that you have grace and patience with me even when I am tired and not making any sense and that you still get up to get me coffee at 6am in the morning. I am also thankful that you are such a good folder! My laundry has never looked better! And that you clean the house whenever you get a chance! I have my very own house wifey 😉 I am thankful for the times we get to sit on the porch and relax or talk about life and that I don’t have to do that alone because that would be so boring! I am thankful that you don’t give me too much of a hard time for not making your lunch or cooking homemade meals on the regular. I am thankful that I pretty much married my best girl friend and you watch Bachelor and DWTS and actually pretend like you are interested in it and engage in conversation about it! I know this year is the year our marriage will change forever and I know that we can handle it because of everything in life we have already conquered together. I am so thankful that another girl gets to experience the pure joy it is to be loved and cherished by you. As long as you don’t fall in love with her more than me! ;)”

Mr. Rogers, what a joy it is to be your wife! We tackled another year together. I know this fall will look like a whole lot of madness, even more sacrifice, and a plethora of grace, as we begin to tackle a new and crazy adventure together, but I know we will make it out in one mangled up piece on the other side. Even stronger than we were before. I love you with my whole heart and can’t wait to love, serve, and honor you all the days of my life!

<3 Mrs. Rogers

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